Academicianul Aurelian Gulea a devenit Doctor Honoris Causa al USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”
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Academician Aurelian Gulea, Habilitated Doctor of Chemical Sciences, university professor, director of the Advanced Biopharmaceutical and Technical Materials Research Laboratory of the State University of Moldova, was awarded the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova during a ceremony that took place on June 9, 2022.
In the opening of the ceremony and Laudatio, rector Emil Ceban stated that the high title was awarded to the distinguished professor based on the decision of the University Senate, as a sign of appreciation of his activity at the national and international level, his considerable contribution to the joint scientific research and the training of highly qualified scientific personnel, the joint development of national and international projects and the enhancement of the image of our institution worldwide. "Through honest work, devotion and dedication, through a special attitude towards colleagues, friends and disciples, the distinguished professor Aurelian Gulea became a model worthy of emulation. We are deeply grateful for everything you have achieved over the years for our institution, wishing you good health, a long life, and creative energy for new projects and achievements for the prosperity of science and higher education, and the good of people", added Professor Ceban.
In support of the Senate's decision, academician Stanislav Groppa, vice-rector for research activity, highlighted the fruitful collaboration, over the years, between Nicolae Testemitanu University and the distinguished professor. "We appreciate the invaluable support of academician Aurelian Gulea in the training of highly qualified personnel for our university, through the direct training of four doctors of medical and biological sciences and two Habilitated Doctors of medical sciences. Two more Habilitated Doctor theses and a doctoral thesis are currently being completed. We are also grateful to the academician for his personal contribution to promoting the image of the University internationally, including by obtaining more than 60 gold, silver and bronze medals at international invention, innovative products and new technologies salons, as well as for the considerable help in the development of scientific research materialized in more than 70 scientific articles, about 30 invention patents and more than 100 abstracts of scientific communications at national and international conferences", emphasized academician Groppa.
For his part, academician Aurelian Gulea stated it was an honor for him to receive the high title, noting that he felt part of Nicolae Testemitamu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy community, as he had the opportunity to collaborate, over the years, with some of its representatives. The professor made a presentation of his own scientific research, focused on the creation of a molecule with anticancer properties, on the topic "Tumor cell proliferation molecule inhibitors of a new generation". The research was conducted in collaboration with Nicolae Testemitanu University and other institutions. "For half a year I did an internship at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, where I worked in a state-of-the-art research laboratory to obtain cancer treatment drugs. The discovery consists in the fact that medicinal preparations are used in small quantities, at the milligram level, and, secondly, they are selective, that is, they kill only cancer cells, not the healthy ones," said the scientist. In a few years, the medicine will be administered to cancer patients, now the preparation is at the stage of animal testing.
At the beginning of his professional career, the young graduate in physical chemistry of the State University of Moldova (USM) Aurelian Gulea directed his aspirations towards the field of scientific research. In 1969, he was admitted to doctoral studies at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), being later transferred to doctoral studies with a special purpose at "Radii V.G. Khlopin” Saint Petersburg Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the former USSR. There, 3 years later, he defended his doctoral thesis in chemical sciences. Returning to his homeland in 1972, he was employed as a scientific collaborator in the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of ASM.
In 1975, he was hired, through a competition, as a senior lecturer, at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the State University of Moldova. Over the years he climbed all steps of the university hierarchy, up to chief of chair and head of department. At the same time, he obtained the scientific title of Habilitated Doctor of Chemical Sciences, the scientific-didactic titles of Associate Professor and university professor, as well as that of corresponding member, later becoming a full member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, standing out for his scientific activity and successful teaching.
The results of fundamental scientific research in the field of inorganic chemistry of the distinguished academician are published in more than 1300 works, of which 48 with impact factor and scientific summaries, published in prestigious specialized foreign and local journals. Of these, 16 monographs and textbooks have become reference books not only for specialists in the field, but also for students. He has developed new substances, medicinal and biologically active products, protected by 131 invention patents and appreciated with more than 200 medals at international exhibitions of innovation, research and technology transfer.
Under his leadership, 26 Doctors and Habilitated Doctor of Chemical and Medical Sciences were trained. More than 100 students carried out research activities while completing their bachelor's and master's theses. Currently, under the supervision of academician Aurelian Gulea, six doctoral theses in the field of inorganic chemistry and two Habilitated Doctor theses in medical sciences are being developed.
Professor Aurelian Gulea is the founder of the scientific school with the generic name "Stereochemistry and stereodynamics of assembly reactions of coordination compounds in the field of inorganic chemistry". In 1994, on his initiative, the Coordinative Chemistry Scientific Research Laboratory was established, later converted into the Scientific Research Laboratory "Advanced Materials in Biopharmaceutics and Technology". The scientist also founded a new specialty - Biopharmaceutical Chemistry - at the USM Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. In parallel with his extensive scientific, pedagogical and managerial activity, Professor Aurelian Gulea carries out extensive extracurricular activities as: member of the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development; coordinating academician of the Exact and Natural Sciences Division of AȘM; president of the Commission of experts in the field of chemistry within CNAA and ANACEC; member of the USM Senate; national coordinator and expert of the international jury at the world invention salons in Brussels and Geneva; member of the editorial board of eight international specialized journals; member of the Scientific Committee for the organization of eight international scientific conferences and congresses, etc. Over the years, Professor Aurelian Gulea was invited to universities in Romania, Russia, France, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, etc.
As a sign of appreciation and recognition of his scientific merits on an international level, academician Aurelian Gulea was awarded the honorary titles of titular member of the New York Academy of Sciences, USA; titular member of the European Academy, Doctor Honoris Causa of "Al.I. Cuza" University from Iași and George Bacovia University from Bacău etc.
For special merits in his long and prodigious activity, academician Aurelian Gulea was mentioned with numerous national and international distinctions, including: the Order of Work Glory, the Order of the Republic, Emeritus honorary title, UNESCO, "Dimitrie Cantemir" Medal and Academic "Merit Medal", first degree, of ASM; double laureate of the State Prize for science, technology and research-development from the Republic of Moldova, "Marie Sklodowska-Curie" Medal.
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